Why is writing important?

Why is writing important to do in school?  At jobs? In college?  Writing is important because it will show teachers and employers that you can think and write like a professional.


Writing is important in school because it gives students an opportunity to express what they’ve learned. I love history, so when I write, I like to write about history and why is it important to me.   Writing is also important in college because you want to show your teacher you can do anything.


Then when you are trying to find a job, you have to write a letter to that person that you are writing the letter to. You a professional writer, if you  are working at a newspaper company or if you are a journalist.


Once you land the job, writing skills are also important.  Writing in certain jobs can also be necessary.  Everyone uses email to communicate, and an employee will need to be able to communicate clearly. In my future job, my emails will be very to the point.


If you can show teachers and employers that you can write well, you can show them that you are a professional and you complete anything they give you.  

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